Tcl/Tk - Desktop:Developper

Do you know Tcl/Tk? --- (Keep It Simple, Sir.) ---
Tcl/Tk is a script language,which empowers you to develop GUI-applications easily.
- radically simple - radically flexible - radically powerful - (Tcl Conference)
Here is TCLTKD!
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Just download and save: TclTkD.exe 1,962Kbytes May.2012 by TkWrap8.14)
Google Map'nEarth console(Try it! You can on PebbleBeach or OlympicClub)

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TclTkD - a Powerful desktop environment written by Tcl/Tk --
  1. You just open a simple memo-pad pane.
  2. Type some arithmetic expression onto it.(as 12345*3.141592)
  3. Then you press Control-Return,the calculation result appears.(as "doit" of SmallTalk)
  4. more,You type some file-glob pattern(C:/users/*),then you press Shift-Return, the mattched file(s) are listed on new page as "ls- l".
  5. next, You select some media-file(say 123.mpeg) on that file list, then you click-double the line, the movie is played on concise window.
  6. ofcource, you type then press Control-Return, you see,an internet browser page appears.
  7. Finally,you have made a BOOKMARK on the simple memo-pad,or Favorites?, or PlayList?,or Application-menu?,or Calculator? (... and so on), so please save it into your preferable location.
These are realized by: T C L T K D
 TclTkd also can work as  a Small standalone "wish"
     (try: "TclTkD.exe sh" or "TclTkD.exe sh your.tcl")
We have TclTk Wiki  for various&useful infomation about TCL.
Another "Occcam's razors:"

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